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ISTC - Istituto di scienze e tecnologie della cognizione (Roma)

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Icona documento cnr.istc/2018-A0-001 Tactile information improves visual object discrimination in kea, Nestor notabilis, and capuchin monkeys, Sapajus spp.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2018-A0-002 Increased heart rate after exercise facilitates the processing of fearful but not disgust faces
Icona documento cnr.istc/2018-A0-003 Word selection processing in Parkinson's Disease: When nouns are more difficult than verbs
Icona documento cnr.istc/2018-A0-004 Learning to spell in a language with transparent orthography: Distributional properties of orthography and whole-word lexical processing.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2018-A1-001 Empathy, Complex Thinking and Their Interconnections
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-001 Action observation and motor imagery for rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and an integrative hypothesis
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-003 The impact of reconstruction and scanner characterisation on the diagnostic capability of a normal database for [123I]FP-CIT SPECT imaging
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-004 Global/local processing of hierarchical visual stimuli in a conflict- choice task by capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-005 Action perception as hypothesis testing
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-006 Sensorimotor coarticulation in the execution and recognition of intentional actions
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-007 Dysfunctions of the basal ganglia-cerebellar-thalamo-cortical system produce motor tics in Tourette syndrome
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-008 The influence of communication mode on written language processing and beyond
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-009 Dynamic lexical decisions in French: Evidence for a feedback inconsistency effect
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-010 The Particularity of Emotional Words: A Grounded Approach
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-011 Fatigue increases the perception of future effort during decision making
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-014 STRESYL: An Italian Stress-in-Syllables database for reading research.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-015 The architecture challenge: Future artificial-intelligence systems will require sophisticated architectures, and knowledge of the brain might guide their construction
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-016 Q2Stress: A database for multiple cues to stress assignment in Italian.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-017 Morpheme-based reading and spelling in Italian children with developmental dyslexia and dysorthography.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-018 Differences in action style recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-019 Developmental evidence for continuity from action to gesture to sign/word
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-020 Data distribution in public veterinary service: health and safety challenges push for context-aware systems
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-021 Pacifier overuse and conceptual relations of abstract and emotional concepts
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A0-022 Getting that thing out of the box: The contribution of self-regulation in innovation processes in human children (Homo sapiens) and a non-human primate species (Sapajus spp.)
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A1-001 Toddlers' participation in joint activities with peers in nido.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A1-002 Cognitive insights from tool use in nonhuman animals
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A1-003 Learning to read Italian.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A1-004 Primates' propensity to explore objects: How manual actions affect learning in children and capuchin monkeys
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A1-005 Platyrrhine Cognition
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A1-006 Hands Shaping Communication: From Gestures to Signs
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A2-001 PLATINUM: A new Framework for Planning and Acting
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A2-002 Intrinsically Motivated Discovered Outcomes Boost User's Goals Achievement in a Humanoid Robot
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A3-001 Action observation therapy and Parkinson's disease patients: a double blind controlled study
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A3-002 Workshop proposal ethical issues of open ended-learning in autonomous robots
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-A6-001 Experiencing Diversity: Complexity, Education, and Peace Construction
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-B0-001 Effetti di un trattamento visuo-lessicale sulla scrittura di bambini con disortografia evolutiva.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-B1-001 I disturbi evolutivi di lettura nelle ortografie trasparenti.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2017-TR-001 L'autonomia di movimento dei bambini della Regione Lazio
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-001 18F-FDG-PET correlates of cognitive impairment in ALS
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-002 Early haemodynamic changes observed in patients with epilepsy, in a visual experiment and in simulations
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-003 Versatile grasping ability in power-grip actions by tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-004 Metabolic spatial connectivity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis as revealed by independent component analysis
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-005 Involvement of subcortical brain structures during olfactory stimulation in multiple chemical sensitivity
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-006 Lexicality, frequency and stress assignment effects in bilingual children reading Italian as a second language
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-007 Implementation of the European Multicentre Database of Healthy Controls for [123I]FP-CIT SPECT Increases Diagnostic Accuracy in Clinically Uncertain Parkinsonian sindrome
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-008 Reduction in camera-specific variability in [123I]FP-CIT SPECT outcome measures by image reconstruction optimized for multisite settings: impact on age-dependence of the specific binding ratio in the ENC-DAT database of healthy controls
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-009 Dual-phase amyloid PET: hitting two birds with one stone
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-010 Mapping brain morphological and functional conversion patterns in pre-dementia, late-onset bvFTD
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-011 Short-Term Memory Effects on Visual Global/Local Processing in Tufted Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-012 Decline of Neuropsychological Abilities in a Large Sample of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-013 Stress in context: morpho-syntactic properties affect lexical stress assignment in reading aloud.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-014 Motor planning in different grasping tasks by capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-015 Emergence of Consensus in a Multi-Robot Network: From Abstract Models to Empirical Validation
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-016 Neurobiological Impact of EMDR in Cancer
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-017 Predicting the transition from normal aging to Alzheimer's Disease: a statistical mechanistic evaluation of FDG-PET data
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-018 Functional neuroimaging and clinical features of drug naive patients with de novo Parkinson s disease and probable RBD
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-019 EMDR and CBT: A Comparative Clinical Study With Oncological Patients
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-020 Role of 18F-FDG-PET imaging in the diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-021 Interplay of rhythmic and discrete manipulation movements during development: a policy-search reinforcement-learning robot model
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-023 Differential effects of visual uncertainty and contextual guidance on perceptual decisions: Evidence from eye and mouse tracking in visual search.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-024 Problem Solving as Probabilistic Inference with Subgoaling: Explaining Human Successes and Pitfalls in the Tower of Hanoi
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-025 Learning programs is better than learning dynamics: a Programmable Neural Network Hierarchical Architecture in a multi-task Scenario
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-026 Nonparametric Problem-Space Clustering: Learning Efficient Codes for Cognitive Control Tasks
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-028 GRAIL: a Goal-Discovering Robotic Architecture for Intrinsically-Motivated Learning
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-029 Costs and benefits of orthographic inconsistency: Evidence from a cross-linguistic comparison.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-030 Stress still affects articulatory planning in reading aloud: A Reply to White and Besner (2016)
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-031 Parkinson's disease as a system-level disorder
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-032 Social processes among mothers in centres for children and parents in three countries
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-033 Goal-Directed Behavior and Instrumental Devaluation: A Neural System-Level Computational Model
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-034 Consensus Paper: Towards a Systems-Level View of Cerebellar Function: the Interplay Between Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and Cortex
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-035 Transitional Wearable Companions: A Novel Concept of Soft Interactive Social Robots to Improve Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-036 The Role of Art in Society with Particular Reference to the Problem of Violence
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-037 Appetitive Pavlovian-instrumental Transfer: a review
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-038 Tracking and simulating dynamics of implicit stereotypes: A situated social cognition perspective
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-039 A unifying definition for artifact and biological functions
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-040 Information and organization in public health institutes: an ontology-based modeling of the entities in the reception-analysis-report phases
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A0-041 What are features? An ontology-based review of the literature
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A1-001 Continuous professional and quality: the case of Pistoia.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A1-002 Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences and Loss
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A2-002 Distributed design for fair coexistence in TVWS
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A2-003 Random walks in swarm robotics: an experiment with Kilobots
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A3-001 Open Dialogue in the Italian mental health services: transferability and evaluation of efficacy in the Italian context.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A3-002 Effects of Spatiality on Value-Sensitive Decisions Made by Robot Swarms
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A3-003 Designing Socially Assistive Robot (SAR) for Cognitive Child-Robot Interaction (CCRI) with Autism Spectrum Disorder - The Case of "+Me"
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-A7-001 A systems-level view of cerebellar function: The interplay between cerebellum, basal ganglia, and cortex
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-B0-001 Flessibilità nell'uso delle prese di forza nei cebi dai cornetti (Sapajus spp.), dallo studio della manipolazione degli oggetti al legame tra cognizione e azione
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-B0-002 Bell'esempio! Esperienza partecipativa e studio sperimentale sull'autonomia normativa dei bambini attraverso le multe morali
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-B1-001 Aspetti psicologici e sociali del bilinguismo
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-B1-002 La documentazione narrativa nei servizi per l'infanzia
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-B3-001 Modelli neuro-computazionali di sistema per studiare il tremore nel morbo di Parkinson e testare terapie alternative
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-PHD-001 Pavlovian-Instrumental transfer: computational models and function
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-TR-001 The experimental device +me (version 1.0)
Icona documento cnr.istc/2016-TR-002 Project web-site and logo
Icona documento cnr.istc/2015-A0-001 The process of stress assignment in reading aloud: Critical issues from studies on Italian.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2015-A0-002 Volume of interest-based [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose PET discriminates MCI converting to Alzheimer's disease from healthy controls. A European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium (EADC) study
Icona documento cnr.istc/2015-A0-003 Brain metabolic changes in Hodgkin disease patients following diagnosis and during the disease course: An 18F-FDG PET/CT study
Icona documento cnr.istc/2015-A0-004 Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic Sources of a Handshape Distinction Expressing Agentivity
Icona documento cnr.istc/2015-A0-005 Stress affects articulation planning in reading aloud.
Icona documento cnr.istc/2015-A0-006 Is it patience or motivation? On motivational confounds in intertemporal choice tasks
Icona documento cnr.istc/2015-A0-007 Untrivial Pursuit: Measuring Motor Procedures Learning in Children with Autism