| cnr.isac/2009-A0-001 |
Orographic triggering of long lived convection in three dimensions |
| cnr.isac/2008-A0-001 |
Controlling instabilities along a 3DVar analysis cycle by assimilating in the unstable subspace: a comparison with the EnKF |
| cnr.isac/2008-A0-002 |
Discharge prediction based on multi-model precipitation forecasts |
| cnr.isac/2008-A0-003 |
A semi-analytical solution for the three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation considering non-local turbulence closure |
| cnr.isac/2008-A0-004 |
Important Source of Marine Secondary Organic Aerosol from Biogenic Amines |
| cnr.isac/2007-A0-001 |
Simulation of pollutant dispersion for low wind conditions in stable and convective planetary boundary layer |
| cnr.isac/2006-A0-001 |
Measurements of atmospheric aerosol in the Salentum Peninsula and its correlation with local meteorology |
| cnr.isac/2003-A0-001 |
Coupling of neural network and dispersion models: a novel methodology for air pollution models |