| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-001 |
EARTh: an Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus in the Linked Open Data Cloud |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-002 |
3D shape retrieval and classification using multiple kernel learning on extended Reeb graphs |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-003 |
Best Practices for an Effective Design and Evaluation of Serious Games |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-004 |
Comparing shapes through multi-scale approximations of the matching distance |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-005 |
Profiling e-Science infrastructures with kernel and application benchmarks |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-006 |
A combined MPI-CUDA parallel solution of linear and nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-007 |
Parallel solutions for voxel-based simulations of reaction-diffusion systems |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-008 |
Heterogeneous Architectures for Computational Intensive Applications: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-009 |
Regularity of time-harmonic electromagnetic fields in the interior of bianisotropic materials and metamaterials |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-010 |
An Ontology-based Framework for Sustainable Factories |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-011 |
Learning cultural heritage by serious games |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-012 |
Direct repair of self-intersecting meshes |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-013 |
CUDA accelerated molecular surface generation |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-014 |
Managing, Analysing, and Integrating Big Data in Medical Bioinformatics: Open Problems and Future Perspectives |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-015 |
Laplacian spectral distances and kernels on 3D shapes |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A0-016 |
Local Barycentric Coordinates |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A1-001 |
Accessing and Representing Knowledge in the Medical Field: Visual and Lexical Modalities |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A1-002 |
Mashing-Up Weather Networks Data to Support Hydro-Meteorological Research |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A1-003 |
Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Platforms and Tools for Compute-Intensive Algorithms: A Case Study |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A1-004 |
Processing Free Form Objects within a Product Development Process Framework |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A1-005 |
WS-PGRADE/gUSE in European Projects |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A1-006 |
Mathematical Tools for Shape Analysis and Description |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-001 |
Using Interlinked Thesauri for INSPIRE-Compliant Metadata Management |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-002 |
Integrated Visualization and Analysis of a Multi-scale Biomedical Knowledge Space |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-003 |
Environmental thesauri under the lens of reusability |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-004 |
SHREC'14 Track: Retrieval and Classification on Textured 3D Models |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-005 |
Quantifying 3D shape similarity using maps: Recent trends, applications and perspectives |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-006 |
Similarity assessment for the analysis of 3D artefacts |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-007 |
Reasoning About Shape in Complex Datasets: Geometry, Structure and Semantics |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-008 |
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-009 |
The DRIHM Project: a Flexible Approach to Integrate HPC, Grid and Cloud Resources for Hydro-Meteorological Research |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-010 |
Setting up an hydro-meteo experiment in minutes: the DRIHM e-infrastructure for hydro-meteorology research |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-011 |
Ontology-driven Visual Browsing of Historical Industrial Archives |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-012 |
The Pipeline from CAD to Virtual Reality in VISIONAIR |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-013 |
Towards an interoperable and distributed e-Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology: the DRIHM project |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-014 |
Compute intensive algorithm on heterogeneous system: A case study about fourier transform |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-015 |
Unveiling California History Through Serious Games: Fort Ross Virtual Warehouse |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-016 |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Serious Games for Cultural Awareness: The Icura User Study |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-017 |
Implementation of an interoperable interface to exchange B2B messages between heterogeneous computer platforms |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-018 |
A CUDA implementation of the Spatial TAU-leaping in Crowded Compartments (STAUCC) simulator |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-019 |
Aesthetic-oriented classification of 2d free-form curves |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-020 |
The WNoDeS cloud virtualization framework: A macromolecular surface analysis application case study |
| cnr.imati.ge/2014-A2-021 |
A Semantic Framework for Sustainable Factories |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-001 |
Polygon Mesh Repairing: An Application Perspective |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-002 |
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-003 |
3D shape retrieval using Kernels on Extended Reeb Graphs |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-004 |
Information-theoretic selection of high-dimensional spectral features for structural recognition |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-005 |
Between algorithm and model: different Molecular Surface definitions for the Poisson-Boltzmann based electrostatic characterization of biomolecules in solution |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-006 |
A survey to evaluate how non designers perceive aesthetic properties of styling |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-007 |
Grouping real functions defined on 3D surfaces |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-008 |
PHOG: Photometric and Geometric Functions for Textured Shape Retrieval |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-009 |
Multi-Resolutive Sparse Approximations of d-Dimensional Data |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-010 |
wFEM Heat Kernel: Discretization and Applications to Shape Analysis and Retrieval |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-011 |
An Interactive Analysis of Harmonic and Diffusion Equations on Discrete 3D Shapes |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-012 |
Heat Diffusion Kernel and Distance on Surface Meshes and Point Sets |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-013 |
The VISIONAIR Infrastructure Capabilities to Support Research |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-014 |
Cloud Infrastructures for In Silico Drug Discovery: Economic and Practical Aspects |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-015 |
A QoS-aware broker for hybrid clouds |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-016 |
Steepest descent paths on simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimensions |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-017 |
Hybrid Clouds brokering: Business opportunities, QoS and energy-saving issues |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-018 |
CUDA accelerated molecular surface generation |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-019 |
Estimation of percentage breast tissue density: comparison between digital mammography (2D full field digital mammography) and digital breast tomosynthesis according to different BI-RADS categories |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-020 |
Differences in breast density assessment using mammography, tomosynthesis and MRI and their implications for practice |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A0-021 |
Latest advances in distributed, parallel, and graphic processing unit accelerated approaches to computational biology |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-001 |
Assessing Linkset Quality for Complementing Third-Party Datasets |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-002 |
Surface Mesh Qualities |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-003 |
Learning Kernels on Extended Reeb Graphs for 3D shape classification and retrieval |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-004 |
Exploiting 3D Part-Based Analysis, Description and Indexing to Support Medical Applications |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-005 |
SHREC'13 Track: Retrieval on Textured 3D Models |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-006 |
A study of monodromy in the computation of multidimensional persistence |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-007 |
The persistence space in multidimensional persistent homology |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-008 |
An innovative tool for choosing the most appropriate risk assessment methodologies |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-009 |
A Parallel Implementation of the Stau-DPP Stochastic Simulator for the Modelling of Biological Systems |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-010 |
Towards a new approach for the description of shapes from multimodal data |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-011 |
Gait-Based Gender Classification Using Persistent Homology |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-012 |
Modeling energy savings for job migration in Grid environments |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-013 |
Semantics for the exploration of historical Business archives - Challenges and Perspectives in the R.I.C.E.R.C.A. project |
| cnr.imati.ge/2013-A2-014 |
Complexity Fusion for Indexing Reeb Digraphs |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A0-001 |
ICT approaches to integrating institutional and non-institutional data services for better understanding of hydro-meteorological phenomena |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A0-002 |
Job allocation strategies for energy-aware and efficient Grid infrastructures |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A1-001 |
SoRTSim: A high-level simulator for the evaluation of QoS models on Grid |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-001 |
SSONDE: Semantic Similarity on LiNked Data Entities |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-002 |
An Ontology for the Identification of the most Appropriate Risk Management Methodology |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-003 |
SHREC'12 Track: Stability on Abstract Shapes |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-004 |
The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy of mathematical tools for shape analysis |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-005 |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-006 |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-007 |
Mashing-up weather networks data to support Hydro-Meteorological research |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-008 |
DRIHM: Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-009 |
Efficiency aware job allocation for e-Science environment |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-010 |
CUDA Accelerated Blobby Molecular Surface Generation |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-011 |
A CUDA-based implementation of the SSAKE Genomics Application |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-A2-012 |
Influences between performance based scheduling and Service Level Agreements |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-B2-001 |
Uno strumento di supporto alla discussione per la definizione di una strategia di risk management in un sistema complesso. |
| cnr.imati.ge/2012-TR-001 |
Contenuti 2D e 3D relativi alla Tavola di Polcevera |
| cnr.imati.ge/2011-A0-001 |
Context Dependent Semantic Granularity |
| cnr.imati.ge/2011-A0-002 |
Geometric Models with Weighted Topology |
| cnr.imati.ge/2011-A0-003 |
Computational Geometry meets Material Science |
| cnr.imati.ge/2011-A0-004 |
Semantics & 3D media: current issues and perspectives |
| cnr.imati.ge/2011-A0-005 |
Semantic Evaluation and Deformation of Curves Based on Aesthetic Criteria |