| cnr.ilc/2018-A0-001 |
Deep Learning of Inflection and the Cell-Filling Problem |
| cnr.ilc/2018-A0-002 |
Discriminative word learning is sensitive to inflectional entropy |
| cnr.ilc/2018-A1-001 |
Morpho-phonotactic typicality and second language acquisition and processing |
| cnr.ilc/2018-A2-001 |
Evaluating Inflectional Complexity Crosslinguistically: a Processing Perspective |
| cnr.ilc/2018-A2-002 |
ReadLet: Reading for Understanding |
| cnr.ilc/2018-A6-001 |
ReadLet: an ICT platform for the assessment of reading efficiency in early graders |
| cnr.ilc/2018-A6-002 |
Is inflectional irregularity dysfunctional to human processing? |
| cnr.ilc/2018-A6-003 |
Processing Compounds: What Frequency (Alone) Cannot Explain |
| cnr.ilc/2017-A0-001 |
Arabic word processing and morphology induction through adaptive memory self-organisation strategies |
| cnr.ilc/2017-A0-002 |
For a performance-oriented notion of regularity in inflection: the case of Modern Greek conjugation |
| cnr.ilc/2017-A0-003 |
Arabic Natural Language Processing: Models, systems and applications |
| cnr.ilc/2017-A2-001 |
How "deep" is learning word inflection? |
| cnr.ilc/2017-A6-001 |
Transparency and predictability in Modern Greek conjugation: Implications for models of word processing |
| cnr.ilc/2017-A6-002 |
Paradigm Relative Entropy and Discriminative Learning |
| cnr.ilc/2017-B6-001 |
AIUCD e CLiC-it: citazioni bibliografiche a confronto |
| cnr.ilc/2016-A0-001 |
Effects of frequency and regularity in an integrative model of word storage and processing |
| cnr.ilc/2016-A2-001 |
LREC as a Graph: People and Resources in a Network |
| cnr.ilc/2016-A2-002 |
Reassessing Inflectional Regularity in Modern Greek Conjugation |
| cnr.ilc/2016-ED-001 |
Word knowledge and word usage: a foreword |
| cnr.ilc/2016-ED-002 |
Word knowledge and word usage |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A0-001 |
Mapping Italian Grey Communities: What is There Beyond the Academy? |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A0-002 |
La littérature grise des projets de recherche européens |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A0-003 |
A Neuro-Computational Approach to Understanding the Mental Lexicon |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A1-001 |
Computational complexity of abstractive morphology |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A2-001 |
A Terminological Survey on the Titles of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A2-002 |
Lexical emergentism and the "frequency-by-regularity" interaction |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A2-003 |
Mapping Italian Grey Communities: What is There Beyond the Academy? |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A2-004 |
Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A2-005 |
Lexical parsability and morphological structure |
| cnr.ilc/2015-A2-006 |
Computational Linguistics and Language Physiology: Insights from Arabic NLP and Cooperative Editing |
| cnr.ilc/2015-EC-001 |
Word knowledge and word usage - Representations and processes in the mental lexicon |
| cnr.ilc/2015-ED-001 |
Proceedings of the NetWordS Final Conference on Word Knowledge and Word Usage: Representations and Processes in the Mental Lexicon |
| cnr.ilc/2015-TR-001 |
Convenzione Operativa relativa allo sviluppo di funzioni software per il recupero di testi dell'Archivio Testuale dell'ILC e conversione in un formato di rappresentazione XML/TEI |
| cnr.ilc/2015-TR-002 |
Convenzione Operativa relativa allo sviluppo di funzioni software per il recupero di testi dell'Archivio Testuale dell'ILC e conversione in un formato di rappresentazione XML/TEI Fase 2 |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A0-001 |
A Linguistic and Gender Approach to 1841 Tuscany Population Census |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A0-002 |
Topological self-organisation and prediction learning support both action and lexical chains in the brain |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A0-003 |
Morphological structure through lexical parsability |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A0-004 |
Grey Literature in European Commission Projects |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A0-005 |
Perception of typicality in the lexicon: wordlikeness, lexical density and morphonotactic constraints |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A1-001 |
Computer-assisted Scholarly Editing of Manuscripts Sources |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A2-001 |
Grey Literature in European Commission Projects |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A2-002 |
The LRE Map disclosed |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A2-003 |
A decision support system for real-time stress detection during virtual reality exposure |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A2-004 |
The PAISÀ Corpus of Italian Web Texts |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A2-005 |
Two-dimensional Wordlikeness Effects in Lexical Organisation |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A2-006 |
Word Processing for Arabic Language: A reappraisal of morphology induction through adaptive memory self-organisation strategies |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A3-001 |
Word Processing for Arabic Language. A reappraisal of morphology induction through adaptive memory self-organisation strategies |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A6-001 |
Patient safety on the press in Italy, a preliminary investigation of the terms and trend |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A6-002 |
Mapping Italian Grey Communities: What is There Beyond the Academy? |
| cnr.ilc/2014-A6-003 |
Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science |
| cnr.ilc/2014-B2-001 |
Computer Assisted Annotation of Themes and Motifs in Ancient Greek Epigrams: First Steps |
| cnr.ilc/2014-B3-001 |
I sistemi informativi della Biblioteca dell'Area della Ricerca di Pisa |
| cnr.ilc/2014-B3-002 |
Modelli, metodi e strumenti per il trattamento automatico della lingua araba e per l'editing in ambienti collaborativi |
| cnr.ilc/2014-EC-001 |
Words: structure, meaning, acquisition, processing |
| cnr.ilc/2014-ED-001 |
Introduction to Special Issue |
| cnr.ilc/2014-ED-002 |
Proceedings of IEEE - CiST14 - Third IEEE International Colloquium in Information Science and Technology (CIST) |
| cnr.ilc/2014-ED-003 |
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era" (CCURL 2014) |
| cnr.ilc/2014-PHD-001 |
Models and dynamics of the morphological lexicon in mono- and bilingual acquisition |
| cnr.ilc/2014-PR-001 |
Lexical acquisition in bilingual contexts: aspects of (extra)linguistic and psycholinguistic modeling |
| cnr.ilc/2014-PR-002 |
Stato dell'arte dei motori semantici. Progetto MAPS, programma operativo regionale POR-FESR (2007 - 2013) |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A0-001 |
Innovation, Language, and grey literature |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A0-002 |
Adaptive Strategies in Lexical Acquisition |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A1-001 |
Boosting Lexical Resources for the Semantic Web: Generative Lexicon and Lexicon Interoperability |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A1-002 |
Foreword |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A2-001 |
A linguistic and gender approach to 1841 Tuscany population Census |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A2-002 |
Open Grey for Language Technology: a ride on the network |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A2-003 |
Innovation, language, and the web |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A2-004 |
Tools and Resources Supporting the Cultural Tourism |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A2-005 |
Searching LTs for minority languages |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A2-006 |
Semantic networks for improved access to biomedical databases |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A3-001 |
A linguistic and gender approach to 1841 Tuscany population Census |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A3-002 |
Lexical parsability and morphological structure |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A6-001 |
Grey Literature in European Commission Projects |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A6-002 |
The PRIMA-PIETRA Project: A Web-Based Platform for Early Autism Risk Assessment |
| cnr.ilc/2013-A6-003 |
Industrial Philology: problems and techniques of data and archives preservation for future generations |
| cnr.ilc/2013-B0-001 |
Quando la linguistica incontra l'informatica: una riflessione terminologica |
| cnr.ilc/2013-B1-001 |
| cnr.ilc/2013-B1-002 |
Una metamorfosi chiamata GIS: dai Database ai Geo-database |
| cnr.ilc/2013-B1-003 |
Lessicografia Computazionale e Terminologia Saussuriana |
| cnr.ilc/2013-B1-004 |
Il Contributo Tecnologico dell'ILC al Progetto LinCi |
| cnr.ilc/2013-B2-001 |
I testi antichi: un patrimonio culturale da conservare e riutilizzare DIDAMATICA 2013, tecnologie e metodi per la didattica del futuro |
| cnr.ilc/2013-EC-001 |
2nd NetWordS Workshop on Perspectives on Synergy |
| cnr.ilc/2013-EC-002 |
NetWordS: the European Network on Word Structure (2011-2015) ESF RNP Mid-Term Report (2011-13) |
| cnr.ilc/2013-EC-003 |
Variation and Adaptation in Lexical Processing and Acquisition |
| cnr.ilc/2013-PR-001 |
Un modello bibliografico saussuriano |
| cnr.ilc/2013-SW-001 |
Components for Collaborative Philology |
| cnr.ilc/2013-TR-001 |
Digesto 3.0 : il nuovo sistema di navigazione delle traduzioni del Digesto |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-001 |
First 'NetWordS'Workshop on Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon: Integration of Existing Approaches |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-002 |
Knowledge Communities in Grey |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-003 |
Personal Health System architecture for stress monitoring and support to clinical decisions |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-004 |
Low Quality and Lack of Clarity of Current Informed Consent Forms in Cardiology - How to Improve Them |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-005 |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-006 |
Epigrafia digitale. Paradigmi di rappresentazione per il trattamento digitale delle epigrafi |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-007 |
Proactive action preparation: Seeing action preparation as a continuous and proactive process |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-008 |
Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-009 |
Word alignment and paradigm induction |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-010 |
Unfolding visual lexical decision in time. |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-011 |
Using hippocampal-striatal loops for spatial navigation and goal-directed decision-making. |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-012 |
Computational Grounded Cognition: A New Alliance between Grounded Cognition and Computational Modeling |
| cnr.ilc/2012-A0-013 |
Aversive pavlovian responses affect human instrumental motor performance |