| cnr.iamc.ta/2008-A0-001 |
Effects of temperature on the acute toxicity of cadium to Corophium insidiosum |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2008-A0-002 |
A test battery approach for ecotoxicological characterization of Mar Piccolo sediments in Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-A0-001 |
Predicting toxicity in marine sediment in Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) using sediment quality guidelines and a battery bioassay |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-A0-003 |
Implementing a Digital Library through National Cooperation |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-B6-001 |
Attività enzimatiche e induzione di metallotioneine nel Mytilus galloprovincialis esposto al cadmio |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-B6-002 |
La biomagnificazione del mercurio nel Mar Piccolo di Taranto |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-B6-003 |
Valutazione dell'accumulo di policlorobifenili (PCB) nel Polichete Sabella spallanzani |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-B6-004 |
Contaminazione da elementi in traccia in sedimenti ed organismi del Mar Piccolo di Taranto: bioaccumulo e considerazioni ecotossicologiche |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-B6-005 |
Studio della distribuzione dei livelli di concentrazione di IPA in 5 carote di sedimento prelevate nel Golfo di Taranto |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-ED-001 |
Editorial: Decimo Congresso Nazionale di chimica dell'ambiente e dei Beni Culturali. Conoscenza e Creatività |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-001 |
Sabella spallanzanii filter-feeding on bacterial community: Ecological implications and applications |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-002 |
A preliminary investigation of the lipids and fatty acids composition of Gammarus aequicauda (Crustacea: Amphipoda) and its main food source |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-003 |
Sediment toxicity tests using two species of marine amphipods : Gammarus aequicauda and Corophium insidiosum |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-004 |
Sedimentary humic substances in the Northern Adriatic sea (Mediterranean sea) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-005 |
Biodiversità di vibrioni in acqua e sedimento prelevati nel Mar Piccolo di Taranto |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-006 |
Heavy metals in marine sediments of Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-007 |
Monocorophium insidiosum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) as a candidate species in sediment toxicity testing |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-009 |
Effetti sub-letali del rame sulle larve di Mytilus galloprovincialis |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-010 |
Life history of the amphipod Corophium insidiosum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Mar Piccolo (Ionian Sea, Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-011 |
Monocorophium insidiosum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) as a candidate species in sediment toxicity testing |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-012 |
Phytoplankton assemblages in coastal waters of the Northern Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean), with special reference to cyanobacteria |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-013 |
A new photodegradable molecule as a low impact ballast water biocide: efficacy screening on marine organisms from different trophic levels |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-014 |
Impact of heavy metals and PCBs on marine picoplankton |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-A0-015 |
Growth pattern assessment in the genus Acanthophora (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-B0-001 |
Ballast water monitoring in cargo vessels in Taranto harbour (Ionian sea) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2006-B1-001 |
Il monitoraggio ambientale II |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2007-A0-012 |
Phytoplankton composition and distribution along the Albanian coast, South Adriatic Sea |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-001 |
Accrescimento ed aspetti biochimici di Mytilus galloprovincialis sottoposto a diete fitoplanctoniche monospecifiche |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-002 |
Modiolus barbatus sottoposto a differenti diete fitoplanctoniche monospecifiche |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-003 |
Amphipod biodiversity of shallow water in the Taranto seas (North-Western Ionian Sea) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-004 |
Clearance rates of Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida: Polychaeta) on a pure culture of Vibrio alginolyticus |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-005 |
Mytilus galloprovincialis filter feeding on the bacterial community in a Mediterranean coastal area (Northern Ionian Sea, Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-006 |
On the presence of Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle and Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima (Cleve) Heiden in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea, Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-007 |
Developmental morphology of Acanthophora nayadiformis (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) : Sympodial growth and propagule germination |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-A0-008 |
Invasion of Caulerpa racemosa var.cylindracea (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) in the Mediterranean Sea: an assessment of the spread |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-B0-001 |
Interazioni bento-pelagiche negli ambienti marini costieri: i cicli vitali delle specie nella dinamica del fitoplancton |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-B0-002 |
Mecme digital library |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2005-B0-003 |
Interazioni bento-pelagiche negli ambienti marini costieri: i cicli vitali delle specie nella dinamica del fitoplankton |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2004-A0-001 |
First record of the alien gastropod Melibe fimbriata (Opistobranchia: Tethydae) in the Taranto seas (Mediterranean Sea) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2004-A0-002 |
Plankton biodiversity around the Salento Peninsula (South East Italy): an integrated water/sediment approach |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2004-A0-003 |
Morphology and vegetative reproduction of the introduced species Hypnea cornuta (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Italy), Mediterranean Sea |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2003-B0-001 |
Ecologia e tecniche di campionamento del fitoplancton e delle specie algali potenzialmente tossiche |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A0-001 |
Plankton-derived resting stages in marine coastal sediments along the Salento Peninsula (Apulia, South-Eastern Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A0-002 |
Accumulation and tissue distribution of mercury and selenium in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Mediterranean Sea (Southern Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A0-003 |
Trace elements in organs and tissues of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Mediterranean sea (Southern Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A0-004 |
Propagules of Alsidium corallinum (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A0-005 |
Morphology of Acanthophora nayadiformis (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A0-006 |
Presence of vibrios in seawater and Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lam.) from the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A1-001 |
ATP, ADP and AMP analyses in marine phytoplankton |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-A1-002 |
Life cycle assessment (LCA) applied to the synthesis of methanol. Comparison of the use of syngas with the use of dihydrogen produced from renewables |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2002-B1-001 |
La Stazione di Biologia Marina di Porto Cesareo 1966-1999 |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2001-A0-001 |
Spatial variability and human disturbance in shallow subtidal hard substrate assemblages: a regional approach |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2001-A0-002 |
Variability of species' roles in marine communities: change of paradigms for conservation priorities |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2001-A0-004 |
Autoecology and morphological variability of Dinophysis sacculus (Dinophyceae: Dinophysiaceae) in a Mediterranean lagoon |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2001-A0-005 |
Dynamics of Dinophysis sensu lato species (Dinophyceae) in a coastal Mediterranean environment (Adriatic sea) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2001-B0-001 |
Salvaguardia dell'ambiente marino |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2000-A0-001 |
Resting stages of plankton in recent North Adriatic sediments |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2000-A0-002 |
Tissue distribution of metals in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Apulian coasts, Southern Italy |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2000-A0-003 |
Phenology of two Acanthophora najadiformis (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) Populations in the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2000-B0-001 |
Dinamica di popolazione di fitoplancton tossico e flora batterica nel basso Adriatico |
| cnr.iamc.ta/2000-B0-002 |
Studio delle relazioni tra batteri eterotrofi e fitoplancton nel Mar Piccolo di Taranto |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1999-A0-001 |
Seasonal variations of nutrients and phytoplankton in the coastal SW Adriatic sea |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1999-A0-002 |
In vitro and in vivo antitumour activity and cellular pharmacological properties of new platinum-iminoether complexes with different configuration at the iminoether ligands |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1999-A0-003 |
Viable heterotrophic bacteria in water and sediment in "Mar Piccolo" of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1999-A0-004 |
On the presence of Phalacroma rotumdatum in the Southern Adriatic sea (Italy) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1998-B0-001 |
Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico "A.Cerruti" di Taranto |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1997-A0-001 |
Morphological convergence of resting stages of planktonic organisms: a review |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1996-A0-001 |
Reply from F.Boero et al. |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1996-A0-002 |
Reversing the life cycle: Medusae transforming into polyps and cell transdifferentiation in Turritopsis nutricula (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1996-A0-003 |
The continuity of living matter and the discontinuities of its constituents: do plankton and benthos really exist? |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1995-A0-001 |
Platinum(II) complexes containing iminoethers: a trans platinum antitumour agent |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1993-B1-001 |
Mar Piccolo |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1989-B0-001 |
Bittium reticulatum (Da Costa,1778) Variazioni morfologiche tra 5 populazioni |
| cnr.iamc.ta/1984-B0-001 |
Sul poliformismo di Aporrhais pespelecani (L.1758) Nota preliminare |