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TitoloPUMA & MetaPub: open access to Italian CNR repositories in the perspective of the European Digital Repository Infrastructure

Autori Biagioni S., Carlesi C., Romano G. A., Giannini S., Maggi R.

In 9th International Conference on Grey Literature. GL9 (Antwerp, BE, 10-11 December 2007). Abstract, Dominic Farace (ed.). (GL Proceedings). TextRelease, 2007.

The DRIVER project is realizing an infrastructure through which any form of scientific-content resource, including scientific/technical reports, research articles, experimental or observational data, rich media and other digital objects will be freely accessible, thus responding to the Open Archive Initiative vision. The project is funded by the European Commission under the auspices of the of the "Research Infrastructure" unit and it is building upon existing institutional repositories and networks, The Publication Management System (PUMA),, we are presenting here is the first step towards creating an Italian network of institutional repositories, looking at the DRIVER vision.

Soggetti Digital Library
H.3.7 Digital Libraries
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