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TitoloAn elementary constructive theory of discrete probabilistic processes and parallel concurrent processes

Autori Caracciolo Di Forino A.

In Pubblicazioni del Centro Studi Calcolatrici Elettroniche del C.N.R. presso l'Università degli Studi di Pisa, pp. 1 - 32, Pisa: CSCE, 1966.

An extension of the concept of a Markov Normal Algorithm (not to be confused with Markov Probabilistic Processes) is introduced as a basis for a universal constructive theory of discrete probabilistic processes, including basices single sequential processes, also sets of parallel concurrant processes. The concept of a probabiblistic Markov Algorithm can in fact be considered as a universal theory of effective discrete probabilistic processes. Moreover sets of a Markov Normal Algorithms to be simultaneously applied to a common string can be considered as a basic model for sets of discrete parallel concurrent processes. A stocastic selection for incompatibilities gives rise to a global probabilistic process and a preliminary investigation is performed concerning the relation between probabilistic Markov Algorithms and incompatible sets of Markov Normal Algorithm.

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