PUblicationMAnagement  PumaLogo 
TitoloUn metodo per la conversione analogico-digitale veloce

Autori Maestrini P., Morosi C.

In XII Rassegna Internazionale di Elettronica (Roma, Italy, 21-25 giugno 1965). Atti pp. 891 - 919, 1965.

In digital to analog converter oparating by successive approximations the total conversion time mostly depends in both (1) (the time necessari in order to connect, or disconnect, the resistors, of the weighting network, and (ii) the time required to make a comparison at each conver-sion step. These times largely depend on the required conversion accuracy, as it determines which switch and comparison techniques are to be used. When the required accuracy is about 1°/00 full scale value, the time needed by a convers ion step can not easily assume vaIues smaller than 200-300 nsec even if high-spesd junction transistors or field-effect transistors are used as switches and an operational amplifier is employed a comparator.

Soggetti Converters
B.0 Hardware. General
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