PUblicationMAnagement  PumaLogo 
TitoloPUMA PUblication MAnagement: un network di Archivi Istituzionali CNR, ad accesso aperto, nella prospettiva di una infrastruttura per la Ricerca in Europa

Autori Biagioni S.

In Open Access, digital preservation e deposito legale: Policy, progetti e servizi per la ricerca / Open Access, digital preservation and legal deposit: Policy, projects and services for research communities (Roma, Sede Centrale CNR, 8 maggio 2008). Abstract, Biblioteca Centrale CNR, 2008.


The Publication Management System (PUMA) is one of the major software component made available by the CNR Portal Of Libraries And Repositories (POLAR) that provides CNR librarians and researchers with services for managing libraries and accessing information. PUMA also constitutes the first step towards creating the Italian network of CNR Institutional repositories, looking at the DRIVER vision, i.e., building an infrastructure that allows European Research Institutions to share content and functionality. PUMA is a software infrastructure, user focused and service oriented, developed by the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI-CNR, Pisa).

Soggetti Digital Repository Infrastructure
PUMA Project - Service
H.3.7 Digital Libraries
H.3.5 Online Information Services
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