PUblicationMAnagement  PumaLogo 
TitoloPUMA PUblication MAnagement: un network di Archivi Istituzionali e/o Disciplinari del CNR

Autori Biagioni S., Carlesi C., Giannini S., Romano G. A.

In Seminario sul tema: Archivi istituzionali e/o disciplinari del CNR (Firenze, CNR-ITTIG, 26 maggio 2008).

PUMA & MetaPub are a software infrastructure, user focused and service oriented, developed by the ISTI-CNR. Repositories and collections are growing daily. The system functionalities are oriented to meet the requirements of CNR researchers by facilitating their self-archiving, ensuring the preservation of their documents, providing world wide easy web access to their papers and by permitting them to manipulate the stored content to fulfil scientific and administrative issues. MetaPub also opens PUMA repositories to the OAI world by implementing the OAI-PMH protocol and to the library environment by the Z39.50 protocol.

Soggetti Institutional repository
H.3.7 Digital Libraries
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