| PUblicationMAnagement
Titolo | Sulle tracce di PUMA: un sistema per la gestione delle pubblicazioni
Autori | Biagioni S., Carlesi C., Giannini S., Romano G. A., Banti D., Quaratesi G., Salis R.
In | Seminario "Sulle tracce di PUMA" (Pisa, IFC-CNR, 2 marzo 2007).
Abstract (English) | The aim of PUMA & MetaPub system is to assist scientists to make their research results immediately available world-wide, and to provide them with appropriate on-line facilities to self archiving their publications. The intention of the presentation is to give an idea of the system functionality and the Common User Interfaces. MetaPub provides advanced search functionalities and implements the OAI-PMH protocol, harvesting is allowed under authorization.
Soggetti |
biblioteche digitali
portali web
H.3.7 Digital Libraries
H.3.5 Online Information Services
Download | 2007-B3-006.pdf
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