Abstract (English) | PUMA is a software infrastructure for institutional repositories of technical or scientific documents, developed by the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). PUMA has borne on the previous experience of the ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library. It was developed within the context of the CNR National POLAR Project (http://polarcnr.area.ge.cnr.it/). The CNR Repositories managed by PUMA cover different disciplines (Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, Telecommunications, Electronics, Medicine, Marine Biology, Physics etc.) and contain different types of published and self-archived documents (full text and metadata), such as: pre-prints, technical reports, courses and tutorials, patents, theses, project reports, etc. Full texts of documents are accessible according to publisher copyrights and self-archiving policies, whereas Metadata are available without restrictions. Most of documents are in English. PUMA repositories presently contain more then 5000 documents and are growing daily. PUMA and MetaPUB allows users to search single repositories or all contemporary. MetaPub implements the OAI-PMH protocol, harvesting is allowed under authorization. PUMA collections are part of DRIVER (Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research).