PUblicationMAnagement  PumaLogo 
TitoloPUMA e MetaPub: una infrastruttura software per la gestione degli archivi istituzionali e/o disciplinari di pubblicazioni tecniche e scientifiche prodotte dagli Istituti del CNR

Autori Biagioni S., Carlesi C., Giannini S., Romano G. A.

In Seminario sul sistema PUMA & MetaPub per l'archiviazione delle pubblicazioni degli Istituti CNR (Bologna, Biblioteca dell'Area della Ricerca CNR, 15 giugno 2007).

The Publication Management System (PUMA) & MetaPub, we are presenting here is the first step towards creating a CNR network of institutional repositories. PUMA is a software infrastructure for institutional repositories of technical or scientific documents, developed by the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). PUMA serves CNR researchers by facilitating their self-archiving, ensuring the preservation of their documents and by providing world wide easy web access to their papers. MetaPub implements the OAI-PMH protocol giving open access to Italian CNR repositories in the perspective of the European Digital Repository Infrastructure.

Soggetti Digital Libraries
Self-archiving systems
H.3.7 Digital Libraries
H.5.2 User Interfaces
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